Use Merit's rewards to increase your response rates and provide maximum value to your respondents globally. Our solutions allow you to reward anyone, anywhere, instantly.
Discover Rewards PortalMerit's rewards technology provides you with an end-to-end rewards solution, optimized for both desktop and mobile, that is fully customizable based on your specific needs.
Leverage a customized catalogue of over 6,000 digital gift cards and promotions that receive real-time updates.
Reward millions of panelists digitally with automated technology, minimising human intervention and maximising scalibility.
Send your rewards to your recipients digitally, instantly. Instant rewards maximimize recipient satisfaction and increase the likliehood of further participation.
Our intuitive dashboards provide you with powerful analytics to identify panelist preferences and behaviours, as well attractive and in-demand brands based on local redemption data.
A fully-customizable, multi-lingual platform that supports over 20 languages and offers redemption in over 160 countries.
Our solutions are optimized to reward global panels for large studies and local panels for concentrated studies.
We can support global studies carried out over a hundred different countries.
Our ability to localize our offering means that our rewards can be tailored to specific regions and markets.
We support local governments with rewarding users for city-wide, state-wide and national public-sector studies.
Our rewards have been used in educational studies and panels globally, rewarding students for providing vital insight for the educational sector.